Reichstag and Rubbish Airports: Berlin Day 5

I have reached the end of the Berlin leg of my European trip, visiting some of the best and worst of German infrastructure. Today was mostly spent flying to Stockholm, but here is what I did in the morning beforehand.

The best bits:
The dome of the Reichstag building is an outstanding piece of architecture. After the original dome to the building was burnt down during the Nazi regime, it was re-designed by Sir Norman Foster (a Brit!) as the architect. The original shape has been preserved but completely designed using modern materials and technologies; it appears to float as a glistening crown to the original Reichstag building. The use of steel, glass and mirrors symbolises the transparency of Parliament and with spiraling walkways up to the top of the dome, it allows unspoilt 360 views over the vast city of Berlin. Best of all was that a visit to the dome with a complementary audio guide is FREE - all you need to do is book online in advance.
The mirrored inner funnel reflected the wonderful views and made the dome even more light
In the center there were photographs sharing the history of the Reichstag
Spiraling walk-ways lead to the top of the dome

The worst bits:
I left Germany via Tegel Airport: i.e. the worst airport I've ever been to and I regularly fly from the likes of London Luton. With an utterly confusing layout, long queues, little seating area and most importantly no free WiFi, this all lead to an overall unpleasant experience. The only redeeming factor was that the transport there was relatively easy as it was within the AB zone of Berlin.

So that's all for Berlin - next stop Stockholm!

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