This month I have:
- Had a ridiculous amount of exams
- That's pretty much it.
Making stuff
Study leave means more time to do pointless stuff that I would normally never have time to do, such as...
- Doing tedious crafts
- Making tedious cakes (here is a link to a post I did previously making the same cake!)
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Creeper from Minecraft and Cake! |
For any secondary school student in the UK, the month of May is often synonymous for being a month of stress, exams and work. Being a year 11 student, this was very much the case as over the month I have had around 9 exams in total. I suppose I have had mixed feelings about how they have gone. The only exam that I am slightly concerned about is physics as I felt that I could've done better as ironically, it is suppose to be one of my best subjects; it is one that I am taking for A level. On the other hand, the ones that I was most worried about, such as ICT, Chinese, English, all seemed to go alright, but I suppose we will find out how well they all turned out the 23rd August.
This is probably the first time in my life where I have had just day after day after day of pure exams. It is quite a marathon to sustain that energy and focused required to keep working hard for such a long period of time. To begin with, I was full of vigour and determination - in fact, I reckon I even over-revised for music, my first exam! However, towards the end I do think that I didn't do enough revision as I would've hoped to have done, but luckily half term has come in good time, so I can recharge my batteries in preparation for my final few exams.
Although, I think that this solid block of exams have made me discover a few things about myself. One thing that I never thought that I could do was to be able to independently sustain my concentration level whilst revising for such prolonged periods of time. I would just like to point out libraries are fantastic if you wish to go to a place with no distractions or noises. Another thing that I have discovered whilst revising is that I actually do enjoy being able to delve deeper and explore further than what is just covered in class, into the subjects. Revising sciences is pretty monotonous as it's pretty much all memory based and confined to a specification - learn the facts and pass the tests.
On the other hand, for more arts based subjects such as English lit and music, I suppose that's a slight paradox, since I don't particularly enjoy English, but the harder I work at it, the more rewarding I find it to be. Oh well, it's not like I'm ever going to be doing English Lit ever again... (YES!)
This month I went full storm ahead with pursuing my ScatterrBrained blog in a more fashion related direction. Here are the things I like and dislike about the fashion blogging community
- The fact that it is a community.
- Some people really do leave some thoughtful comments and it makes me realise that all this time I've spent faffing round with editing/photography etc. is actually worthwhile and some people actually like it.
- The fact that some ridiculously gorgeous people are following my blog!
- I find it really flattering that some of my followers on my ScatterrBrained blog have far superior/better style than me, and the fact that they actually, stupidly chose to spend time reading my posts when they are so much more stylish than me is amazing.
- The fact that I'm global!
- I have readers from all over the weird its crazy! I'm almost as global as MJBeats, but unfortunately I don't have any readers from Chad! (CGS joke)
- The fact that I feel like I waste my life "proving I'm not a robot".
- It's actually quite ridiculous - sometimes the words they come up with are so hard to read, I can't even decipher them!
All of May, I have not worn any eye make up at all, and have only worn some face make up when my stupid hormonal spots get really bad. I think it's quite ironic how I have created an entire blog dedicated to my appearance and other superficial things like that, yet I am so low maintenance. I just simply do not feel the need to wear make up when I am not going to see anyone outside of my house, or just going into school for a few hours for an exam.
Even though I do still really love make up and the creativity you have express with it, but this month I have found it quite invigorating and refreshing to be barefaced. This is because I hate the feeling of wearing heavy makeup when I have bad skin (which is most of the time) and I feel like I am just aggravating it, rather than improving it. I am also very happy that I feel that I am comfortable enough to go out with nothing on my face as I do know lots of people who would never let anyone apart from a select few from seeing themselves makeup less. It's not I have mega amazing self esteem or that I think that I look so amazing that I don't need it, but I think being comfortable in your own skin, rather hiding under a mask of makeup is very important.
My ethos towards cosmetics is that it should enhance your own natural features and be a small pick-me-up or confidence boost when you are feeling insecure, instead of being something that you become so reliant/dependent upon it that it consequently decreases your self confidence even further because you feel like you can only look a certain way/meet the expectation of others with a ton of slap.
However, after a long time of not wearing makeup, I have gotten to a stage where I really crave make up again. Yipee.
This month, I have watched very little television. Instead, I have spent most of my spare time procrastinating by watching alot of Youtube. When I say alot, I mean alot! I have been on that website for about 5 years now and I am subscribed to a total of 200 people, even after going on a unsubscribing streak as it was just getting ridiculous.
The reason why I love Youtube so much is that anyone can post videos. Unlike traditional media, you don't
have to be amazingly skilled, trained or have an expensive film crew to broadcast yourself, your views and your opinions across to a mass audience. It's especially inspring to see so many Youtubers, who have started out just filming whatever they liked with whatever equipment they had, to being able to create a career and a living off it.
Something else I have discovered over this month about Youtube is just the quality of content that is being uploading. No longer is Youtube just a place to view cute videos with piano playing cats and laughing babies - there is now content which is made to a quality high enough to compete with traditional media (television). I have only just discovered a wealth of web shows, series and short films on Youtube that are seriously well put together by some very talented people.
Now even professional actors and directors are recognising the potential of online video sharing sites, thus create a bridge between new media and traditional media. I reckon sometime in my life time Youtube, and other similar video sharing sites, will be on the same level as television, which is quite exciting.
Sometime during this holiday, I really want to start my own Youtube channel, so look out for that!
Posts which will be coming soon on both ScatterrBrained and PeaaBrained
- Favourite bloggers
- New music that I've been liking
- June Round up (as this post is so late)
- Lots of outfit posts
- Lots of rambles
Rebecca x
:D Youtube may be over 1/2 my life now ;)